Yes, for a change, I am writing something positive about Satyam! Well, I am a human and after all, who doesn't wanna get paid for a 6 month holiday!
The key take-away, apart from the free time is the money that they are giving out to the employees. Although it is the basic salary, but if a person has savings, which is highly unlikely, the survival is possible. Of course, you'll have to borrow from friends and family, but whatever!
And the rosy stuff comes to an end out here.
Think about the guy who has just got married a couple of months back, and has been shown the door through VPP. There are people who had liabilities running into thousands of Rupees in EMIs. They are screwed for sure!
I can say that I am enjoying my time on this 6 month holiday that has been doled out to me. But it gets frustrating after some time. If a person is living in the hope that they would be called back for projects, that is highly unlikely to take place.
Analyze this : If they could not find a project for you when you were present in person in the office, how and why the hell would they call you back?
There are many people who are getting out of billable roles, every day. They would be the ones who would get a priority over you in terms of project allotment.
Another thing. If you had thought that your FLCL (Full Life Cycle Leader) would be working in the office to bring you back, the chances are that they themselves would have been fired or would have been asked to 'let go' of the job.
There is utter chaos in the Satyam campuses these days. This what I have come to know from my friends who are still hanging in there. The senior management structure has undergone a thorough restructuring and there are many who are on the wrong side of the line. They eventually would be jumping the ship, or a dhow, if I may call it.
The point is, no one's job is safe. I am talking about the people not on VPP. As far as my brethren and the ladies on VPP are concerned, you'll keep getting that odd mail from the management regarding more people being taken back from VPP, but somehow, you would still be reading it from home on a Wednesday afternoon.
By the way, we're on Technorati now. I said Hello! They replied by saying epyh23st58 !