Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Satyam Fiasco : VPP Call-back a lie

The recent media reports had suggested that 380 associates had been called back from VPP within the first week of being doled [pun intended] out to them.

The real picture is a bit different. These 380 associates include people whose Reporting Managers did not take proactive stand to ave them from VPP earlier on, and realised later on that the ship had sailed. Not a problem. They promptly assign these associates to other projects just to keep them in. They would not be doing any credible work as they would not have the know-how of the new projects. Its just that the associates had been licking the soles of these RMs for a long time and they have been 'rewarded'!

Another group that has been recalled would fall in the category of associates whose presence was demanded by the client. This shows how incompetent and blind the process was. The client had to force a recall as Satyam management had put deserving and critical employees on VPP.

The projects follow a rotating billing policy. Deserving associates were put into VPP because they were in between billing periods.

The HR department claiming that it was a fruition of their efforts that 380 associates were called back within a week is farcical and a blatant lie.


  1. Absolutely. Its all one big hog wash. Nobody knows what the criteria for VPP was. In my unit people who were dead brains and simply did what they were told by their RM, they are there.

    I wonder if Tech M even knows the kind of ride Satyam management is taking thenm on. I don't think they will ever notice, and even if they dfo, it'll be too late by then.

    In my unit, the RMs weren't even asked to identify critical resources, two or three diskheads gfot togther and made a list of prospective diskheads and those are the people who are not on VPP.

  2. Hi Mulder!
    I can see why you are in the same boat as I am. First of all, you speak for yourself. That is a criteria for being put into VPP.

    Secondly, you are good at English. That would be the other criteria. The thing is, the managers need people with barely comprehensible English skills, so that their barely comprehensible English is understood effectively by the juniors.

    Third and last criteria that you satisfied is that you were not an arse-licker, thus the extended holiday.

    Keep following this blog. There's a lot of pent up stuff that I am about to come up with!
